Access control system deployed to make school campus safer

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Access control systems are becoming increasingly popular solutions for improving security in the educational segment, with schools and universities around the world using them as a solution of choice to keep students safe.

One such example comes from the United States, where the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools school board approved the purchase and installation of new security devices in an effort to increase campus safety. The security upgrades, which focus on access control, will be installed at every middle school in the district.

The entrances to middle school campuses will require visitors to ring in on an intercom system and be buzzed in by someone in the front office. The district’s elementary schools follow a similar procedure, but the system at the middle schools will be connected to the campuses’ video surveillance system.

Other entrances on middle school campuses, such as the entrances between buildings and to modular units, will have a card scanner and keypad for faculty and student use. The system will have set guidelines for the earliest and latest times in the day the buildings can be accessed by students and make sure a student’s access credentials are limited only to the campus they attend, according to district security director Jonathan Wilson.

Access Control UK – Experts in Designing and Deploying Secure and Reliable Access Control Systems for the Educational Segment

Access Control UK employs a variety of access control technologies in order to create advanced solutions, enable users to exert solid, reliable and accurate control over the access to specific premises or zones.

The access control systems supplied by Access Control UK also support an effective Fire Roll Call feature, which will enable employers to evacuate the personnel off the premises in a very orderly and clear manner, should a fire, explosion or some other type of catastrophe occur.

If you’d like to find out more about the range of solutions supplied by Access Control UK, both in terms of hardware (smart card readers, biometric readers, turnstiles, etc.) and software (access rights management software solutions, etc.), just hit the contact button at the top of the screen, we’ll be more than happy to answer any queries you might have.

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