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Author Archives: tensor_accesscontrol

  1. Understanding the Mechanics of Smart Card Access Control Systems

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    In an era where security is paramount, businesses and organisations rely heavily upon various access control technologies available, and smart card access control systems are one of them. 

    In this article, we will delve into the mechanics of card access control for companies seeking robust security measures.

    What is Smart Card Access Control?

    Smart card access control, also known as smart cards, is a security system that uses electronic cards, typically embedded with a microchip or magnetic stripe, to grant or deny access to restricted areas. These cards, when presented to an access control reader, transmit information to a central control unit, which then determines whether to allow or deny entry based on predefined access privileges.

    How Smart Card Access Control Works:

    1. Card Enrollment: 

    Each authorised user is issued a unique smart card programmed with their access privileges. During the enrollment process, the user’s information, such as their name, identification number, and access permissions, is registered in the system.

    1. Access Control Readers: 

    Access control readers are strategically placed at entry points throughout the facility. When a user presents their smart card to the reader, it captures the card’s information and sends it to the central control unit for verification.

    1. Central Control Unit: 

    The central control unit acts as the brain of the card access control system. It receives the data from the access control reader and matches it against the stored user database. Based on the access permissions associated with the presented card, the control unit either grants or denies access.

    1. Access Granting Mechanisms: 

    Access can be granted in various ways, such as unlocking a door, disabling an alarm, or activating a turnstile. These mechanisms are controlled by the central control unit and are triggered once the card is authenticated successfully.


    Smart card access control systems offer businesses and organisations an effective means of securing their premises, protecting sensitive information, and managing access privileges. With their flexibility and scalability, smart card access control systems are an essential component of modern security infrastructure.

    If you would like more information about our smart card access control systems, or to book a live demo for your business, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our sales team today who will be happy to assist you.

  2. Pros and Cons of Biometric Access Control in the Office

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    Biometric access control systems are becoming increasingly popular in office environments as a way to enhance security and streamline access management. These systems use unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, facial recognition, or iris patterns, to verify the identity of individuals seeking access to a facility. 

    One notable provider of biometric access control solutions is Access Control UK, a leading British company that specialises in advanced access control solutions. 

    In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of biometric access control in the office, and how Access Control UK’s solutions can address potential concerns.

    Pros of Biometric Access Control in Office:

    1. Enhanced Security: One of the biggest advantages of biometric access control is its high level of security. Biometric data, such as fingerprints or facial features, are unique to each individual, making it difficult for unauthorised persons to gain access to a facility. Unlike traditional access control methods, such as key cards or PIN codes, which can be easily lost or stolen, biometric data cannot be replicated, providing a robust layer of security for office premises.
    2. Convenience and Efficiency: Biometric access control systems offer convenience and efficiency for employees. With biometric authentication, employees do not need to carry physical access cards or remember complex PIN codes, reducing the risk of losing access credentials or forgetting passwords. Biometric systems also allow for quick and easy access, reducing time spent on manual check-ins, improving employee productivity, and streamlining the access management process.
    3. Scalability and Flexibility: Biometric access control systems are scalable and flexible, making them suitable for offices of all sizes. Whether it’s a small office with a few employees or a large corporate building with hundreds of staff, biometric systems can be easily integrated and expanded to accommodate changing access requirements. Additionally, biometric systems can be customised to allow different levels of access to different areas of the office, providing granular control over access permissions.
    4. Hygiene and Health Considerations: In today’s post-pandemic world, hygiene and health considerations have become a top priority for offices. Biometric access control systems eliminate the need for physical touch, reducing the risk of germ transmission, which can be a concern with traditional access methods like key cards or touchscreens. Access Control UK biometric solution, for example, uses contactless infrared technology, ensuring a hygienic and safe access management process.

    Cons of Biometric Access Control in Office:

    1. Technical Challenges: Biometric access control systems rely on advanced technology, and there can be technical challenges in terms of accuracy, reliability, and compatibility. Factors such as lighting conditions, environmental changes, and system integration can affect the performance of biometric systems. It is crucial to choose a reliable and proven solution, such as Access Control UK, which offers robust and accurate biometric access control technology with a track record of successful implementation in various office environments.

    In conclusion, biometric access control systems offer significant advantages in terms of enhanced security, convenience, scalability, and hygiene, making them an appealing choice for office environments. However, it is important to address potential concerns such as technical challenges. Access Control UK, a trusted provider of biometric access control solutions, offers a reliable and advanced system that can effectively address these challenges. By carefully evaluating the specific needs, budget, and data protection policies, offices can implement a biometric access control solution that enhances security and efficiency while mitigating potential risks. With Access Control UK solutions, offices can confidently implement biometric access control, ensuring a secure and streamlined access management process for their premises.

    For more information regarding Biometric Access Control for your Office, please get in touch with a member of the Access Control UK team today.

  3. Must-Knows About Access Control Systems

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    An access control system is a security system that regulates people who have access to enter and exit a certain building. It’s an extension of CCTV integration with a user-friendly interface that can give notifications for every access point. This system allows business owners to keep any activities recorded and associated with access control.

    Access Control Systems offered by Access Control UK are versatile and entirely scalable in design, you may customise your access control system to meet your unique needs, whether you run a small business or a huge international enterprise. As for now, there are three types of access control systems, such as access control hardware, access control software and access control & security.

    Why is access control important?

    With an access control system business owners would prevent illegal entrance that could harm the safety of the people and the building. As it is integrated with security cameras, alarm systems, and visitor management systems, business owners can program it to restrict access to certain areas with specific time as well, thus, creating a more secure environment for the people to work in. 

    How can we help?

    We are a UK-based manufacturer with over 30 years of experience in designing, installing and commissioning outstanding security solutions. We take great pride in our commitment to provide the best possible customer care and adhering to the highest British and International security standards, which is why we’ve been formally accredited by several accreditation bodies (visit our Accreditations page for more information). Thus, we believe with us, you are in the right place.

    For more information regarding Access Control Systems for your companies or organisation, please get in touch with a member of our sales team today.

  4. 5 Facts About Facial Recognition Access Control Systems

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    Facial recognition access control systems have become increasingly popular in recent years, with more and more businesses and organisations using this technology to enhance their security measures. 

    This cutting-edge technology uses biometric data to grant or deny access to a building or area, relying on facial features to authenticate the identity of the user. While facial recognition systems have proven to be an effective security tool, there are still some misconceptions and concerns surrounding their use. In this article, we will explore five important facts about facial recognition access control systems, including how they work, their benefits, and potential drawbacks. By gaining a better understanding of this technology, readers will be better equipped to make informed decisions about its implementation in their own organisations.

    Here’s 5 must-know facts about facial recognition access control systems:

    Fact 1

    Facial recognition access control systems use biometric technology to identify individuals by their unique facial features, such as the distance between their eyes, the shape of their nose, and the contours of their jawline.

    Fact 2

    These systems are commonly used in various settings, including commercial buildings, airports, hospitals, and government facilities, as they offer a secure and convenient way to control access to specific areas.

    Fact 3

    Facial recognition access control systems work by capturing an image of an individual’s face using a camera, analysing the image to identify key facial features, and then comparing those features to a pre-existing database of authorised individuals.

    Fact 4

    One of the primary benefits of facial recognition access control systems is their ability to grant access quickly and without the need for physical contact, which is especially important in high-traffic areas.

    Fact 5

    However, there are also concerns about the privacy implications of facial recognition technology, as it involves collecting biometric data that could potentially be used for other purposes. Some countries and jurisdictions have regulations in place to govern the use of facial recognition technology, including restrictions on its use in public spaces.
    To learn more about facial recognition access control systems, or to enquire about the installation of one for your business, please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our sales team today.

  5. Biometric Access Control: The Future of Security

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    What is Biometric Access Control?

    Biometric access control is a security system that uses physical characteristics such as fingerprints, facial recognition, iris scans, and more to grant or deny access to a secure area. It is a convenient and secure way to replace traditional access control methods, such as keys and passwords.

    Advantages of Biometric Access Control

    One of the biggest advantages of biometric access control is that it eliminates the need for physical keys or cards, which can be lost or stolen. Biometric access control also eliminates the need for users to remember passwords, making the process of accessing secure areas much more efficient and user-friendly. Additionally, biometric access control provides a higher level of security compared to traditional methods because biometric data is unique to each individual and cannot be easily replicated.

    Types of Biometric Access Control

    There are several types of biometric access control systems, including fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, and hand recognition Each type has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of which one to use will depend on the specific needs of the organisation.

    Fingerprint Recognition

    Fingerprint recognition is one of the most common forms of biometric access control. It is fast, reliable, and cost-effective. Fingerprint recognition works by scanning the unique pattern of ridges and valleys on a person’s fingertips.

    Facial Recognition

    Facial recognition uses a person’s unique facial features to grant or deny access. This type of biometric access control is becoming more popular due to the widespread use of cameras and the development of sophisticated facial recognition software.

    Hand Recognition

    Hand recognition is a biometric access control method that utilises the unique shape and size of a person’s hand for identification. It is a quick and convenient way to control access and is becoming increasingly popular for use in time and attendance management. With hand recognition, organisations can enjoy the benefits of a secure and efficient biometric access control system.


    Biometric access control is a secure and convenient way to control access to secure areas. With the growing popularity of biometric technology, it is likely that we will see a continued increase in the use of biometric access control in the future. 

    If you’re looking for a reliable biometric access control system for your organisation, Tensor plc is a great company to consider. Their systems are reliable, secure, and easy to use.Visit their Biometric Access Control page to learn more about their products and services.

  6. Access Control Systems for Office Buildings: Types and Benefits

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    Access control systems are security measures that regulate the movement of people within an office building. 

    These systems are used to grant or restrict access to specific areas within the building based on predetermined permissions. There are various types of access control systems that can be implemented in an office building, and the choice of system will depend on the size and layout of the building, as well as the level of security required.

    Types of access control systems for offices

    One type of access control system is a card-based system. In this system, individuals are issued with a card or key fob that contains a unique identification number. To gain access to a restricted area, the card or key fob must be presented to a card reader, which will verify the identification number and grant or deny access based on the permissions associated with that number. Card-based systems can be used to control access to individual rooms or areas within the building, such as offices or server rooms.

    Another type of access control system is a biometric system. This system uses physical characteristics, such as fingerprints or facial features, to identify individuals and grant or deny access. Biometric systems are more secure than card-based systems because they cannot be easily duplicated or stolen. However, they can be more expensive to install and maintain.

    Benefits of access control for office buildings

    Access control systems can also be integrated with security cameras and other security measures to provide a more comprehensive security solution. For example, if an unauthorised individual attempts to gain access to a restricted area, the access control system can trigger an alert and send a notification to security personnel. The security cameras can also be used to monitor the individual and provide additional information to security personnel.

    Overall, access control systems are an important security measure for office buildings. They can help to protect sensitive information, prevent unauthorised access to restricted areas, and ensure the safety of employees and visitors.

    If you would like to learn more about how your office building can benefit from an access control system, please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team today who will be happy to help.

  7. Benefits of Access Control Systems

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    Global recession is just around the corner and more and more Britons are fearful of losing their jobs and not being able to keep up with the rising cost of living. 

    Of course, when it rains, it pours. An economic crisis almost guarantees an increase in the number of robberies and burglaries. This means people are likely to have less money in their pocket at the end of the month, but they may also experience being deprived of valuable assets gained through years of hard work.

    An Access Control System is the solution that, without spending too much time or resources, will guarantee you the highest standard of security for your business, allowing you to sleep peacefully. 

    Read the following article in full to discover what an access control system is and which benefits you will have by installing one. 

    What is an Access Control System?

    An Access Control System grants access to people by verifying a login credential. Our ranges of access control systems include smart card access control as well as biometric access control such as fingerprint, facial recognition and hand scanners. The system can store credentials of a person in the access control database and will only give access if these credentials match with data stored in the database.

    6 Benefits of Access Control

    1. Improve your site security

    An access control system will deny access to those who have not registered their credentials in the database. It can be a smart card or biometrics such as fingerprint, hand size or face.

    2. It works perfectly both indoor and outdoor

    Our range of access control systems are able to work at the highest standard even throughout treacherous weather conditions. For this purpose, our outdoor fingerprint and smartcard access control systems are ideal.

    3. Get rid of traditional keys

    Traditional keys can be a hassle if lost or stolen. They can be duplicated or used to enter a site before a lock is changed if in the wrong hands. Access Control Systems permit you to deactivate a specific smart card and assign a new one. Furthermore, Tensor’s Access Control Systems can be integrated with biometrics features which make it more difficult for those who do not have access to your buildings to enter them.

    4. Keep track of all the movements within your site

    An Access Control System will provide you with all the data regarding the movements of your employees or visitors within your facilities. The data is tracked and stored in the system and can be monitored remotely.

    5. Streamline the entering and exiting of your site

    An Access Control System will not require guards controlling who enters or exits your building. In this way you will save both money and time that can be used for more crucial activities for your business.

    6. Increase Security for specific areas

    Many companies have specific rooms or areas that contain goods or data that have a high economical or strategic value for the enterprise. Our access control systems enable you to restrict access to some employees/visitors to specific areas, giving you peace-of-mind.#

    If you’d like more information regarding our  Access Control Systems, whether that’s Smartcard or Biometric Access Control, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of the team today, who will be happy to help.

  8. Multi-Million-Pound IT Company Install Access Control System

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    XMA Ltd is a multi-million-pound organisation that delivers IT solutions to a wide range of customers such as the Police, Councils, Schools and many other public sector services. These IT solutions also include hardware, from desktop computers, IPads and laptops, to printers, scanners and monitors.  

    The XMA HQ is in St Albans, with two other sites based in Nottingham and Glasgow. All three sites either have a Tensor Access Control System installed, or are due to have one installed in the near future. 

    The Network & Infrastructure Manager at XMA said, “As we are a forward-thinking company, we wanted to put everything into the Cloud. I gave my vision to the Tensor team, told them I needed global access and they made it all happen”.

    Access Control Systems for Businesses

    Installing Access Control for your business can have a whole range of different benefits. The biggest benefit of installing an Access Control System is the extremely tight security measures it can bring for your business. 

    The type of Access Control System required is dependent on the level of security that a business needs. As mentioned above, XMA Ltd has a combination of Smart Card Access Control and Biometric Access Control installed across their three sites. Ultimately, should a business require a strong level of security, then a Smart Card Access Control System is perfectly suited. However, should an organisation require an extremely strict security measure, then a Biometric Access Control System is the path it should take. 

    Smart Card Access Control

    A Smart Card Access Control System uses Smart Cards which are scanned by an Access Control Reader. This is an excellent Access Control System as it allows users to allocate authorisation through specific doors or into specific areas of a building depending on the individual’s access rights.

    Smart Card Access Control is the perfect Access Control Solution for organisations with a mid-high turnover of staff, such as warehouses, retail and hospitality. This is because each Smart Card can be assigned to a member of staff for the duration of their employment, then handed back in and reassigned to another employee. 

    Biometric Access Control

    A Biometric Access Control System provides a much tighter level of security for businesses who require it. A Biometric System essentially scans a biometric feature of a person’s body in order to grant or deny them access through a door.

    For example, Biometric Access Control can be either Fingerprint Access Control or Facial Recognition Access Control, depending on an organisation’s preference. Both systems provide an unmatched level of business security and ensure that only authorised personnel can gain access to your site. 

    Biometric Access Control Systems are more secure and more reliable than a Smart Card access Control System. This is due to guaranteeing the actual individual must be present when access is granted, as biometric features cannot be duplicated or stolen whereas a Smart Card can be both lost and stolen in order to unlawfully gain access through a door. 

    Should you require further information regarding any of our Access Control Systems, or if you are interested in booking a Demo, please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team today who will be happy to assist you.

  9. Benefits of Biometric Access Control

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    Biometric Access Control has many security benefits for businesses up and down the country. Here, we break down those benefits and explain how your business can’t live without a Biometric Access Control System.

    Maximum level of business security

    A Biometric Access Control System offers an even stronger level of security than a Smart Card Access Control System can offer. A Biometric System ensures that the authorised individual actually has to be present when gaining entry to a room or area that is access controlled. 

    Smart Card Access Control requires Smart Cards or Key Fobs to have access through specific doors, which of course can be lost, stolen and even broken. With a Biometric Access Control System, this is not the case. It doesn’t require anything to work, just the correct individual at the reader to have their own face or fingerprint scanned. The readings are then compared to the ones stored in the Access Control database, to then be either granted or denied access depending on the reading.

    Fast, easy & reliable Access Control System

    The actual system itself is complex and technically advanced, but from a users point-of-view, a Biometric System is extremely easy-to-use and ensures employees feel safe at the workplace. Both Facial Recognition Access Control Systems and Fingerprint Access Control Systems offer ultra-fast biometric verification, with less than 1 second matching speeds. 

    In terms of reliability, Biometric Access Control is the real deal. Fingerprints are deleted from the Access Control System as soon as an individual’s credentials are read. Then, once the face reading or fingerprint is in the system, coordinates are created. This allows the system to match the coordinates with the person’s credentials when the same employee scans their fingerprint again. This feature adds an extra layer of security for your business and for employees, ensuring the system cannot be hacked and biometrics cannot be stolen or replicated.

    The future of Access Control

    Staying ahead of the curve is a must for many businesses in the UK and indeed worldwide. So why should it not be the same with your Access Control System? 

    With a Biometric Access Control System, your business will have a modern and up-to-date Access Control System. It will allow you to get rid of paper timesheets and will be an upgrade from a Smart Card Access Control System. Biometrics uses the latest Access Control Technology and is the future for businesses going forward. 

    For more information regarding our Biometric Access Control System, please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our sales team today who are on-hand to assist you with any queries you may have.

  10. Access Control Systems for Food Manufacturing Facilities

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    Avara Foods is a UK-based food manufacturing giant who have 6,700 employees across the UK, on farms, mills, factories and in offices who work together to produce the finest chicken and turkey products for their customers. 

    They have recently installed Tensor’s Access Control System to help improve food hygiene and security levels, as well as having the ability to know exactly who is on site at all times.

    The Systems Manager at Avara Foods, said “We are a food manufacturing company, so food security is very important”. He added, “The interface is intuitive. I like the fact that it can be set up so that individuals can have their own unique access profile”.

    Access Control for Food Manufacturers

    Installing an Access Control System at a food manufacturing facility, whether it be a Smart Card Access Control System or a Biometric Access Control System, has endless benefits from a food hygiene as well as a building site security perspective.

    As a food preparation business, it is essential that you are aware of who you are letting on site as well as being able to track your employees whereabouts. In this way, you can ensure that your customers are receiving the highest quality products possible. 

    The nature of a food manufacturing business often means that there is a high-turnover of staff with agency work and temporary workers. In this case, Smart Card Access Control is the way to go. This means that the Smart Cards can be handed back in once the employee leaves, and can be recycled and re-issued to new employees starting out. However, if your food manufacturing organisation has stable, long-term employees, then a Biometric Access Control System could be better suited to your needs.  

    Biometric Access Control Solutions

    Biometric Access Control, both Facial Recognition Access Control and Fingerprint Recognition, provides the maximum security levels possible for your business. 

    Facial Recognition Access Control is especially important in the food manufacturing industry. It provides a completely contactless method for employees to gain access and egress to and from a building, ensuring that all of the germs and diseases cannot be spread on door handles and by touching Smart Card Readers. Not only this, but both Facial Recognition and Fingerprint Recognition do not require the use of Smart Cards, making it nearly impossible for employees to enter an area of building that they are not authorised for. It also means that employees cannot pass each other their Smart Cards and the cards cannot be lost or stolen.

    If you would like more information regarding our Access Control Systems and would like to learn more about how your food manufacturing site can benefit from one, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our sales team today who will be happy to help.

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